Monday, February 2, 2009

Ten Steps To Positive Body Image

Last night, at our support group meeting, we talked about Ten Steps To Positive Body Image.

Which one of the following steps could you work on in order to move towards a positive body image?
Which one of these steps do you struggle with? Which ones work for you?

1) Appreciate all that your body can do. Every day your body carries you closer to your
dreams. Celebrate all of the amazing things your body does for you --running, dancing,
breathing, laughing, dreaming, etc.

2) Keep a top-10 list of things you like about yourself -- things that aren’t related to how
much you weigh or what you look like. Read your list often. Add to it as you become
aware of more things to like about you.

3) Remind yourself that “true beauty” is not simply skin-deep. When you feel good about
yourself and who you are, you carry yourself with a sense of confidence, self-acceptance,
and openness that makes you beautiful regardless of whether you physically look like a
supermodel. Beauty is a state of mind, not a state of your body.

4) Look at yourself as a whole person. When you see yourself in a mirror or in your mind,
choose not to focus on specific body parts. See yourself as you want others to see you -- as
a whole person.

5) Surround yourself with positive people. It is easier to feel good about yourself and your
body when you are around others who are supportive and who recognize the importance
of liking yourself just as you naturally are.

6) Shut down those voices in your head that tell you your body is not “right” or that you are a
“bad” person. You can overpower those negative thoughts with positive ones. The next
time you start to tear yourself down, build yourself back up with a few quick affirmations
that work for you.

7) Wear clothes that are comfortable and that make you feel good about your body. Work
with your body, not against it.

8) Become a critical viewer of social and media messages. Pay attention to images, slogans, or
attitudes that make you feel bad about yourself or your body. Protest these messages:
write a letter to the advertiser or talk back to the image or message.

9) Do something nice for yourself -- something that lets your body know you appreciate it.
Take a bubble bath, make time for a nap, find a peaceful place outside to relax.

10) Use the time and energy that you might have spent worrying about food, calories, and your
weight to do something to help others. Sometimes reaching out to other people can help
you feel better about yourself and can make a positive change in our world.


peace, hope and love,


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