Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Victim Thinking Vs. Non-Victim Thinking

"Victim thinking is defining ourselves by what happens to us, the cards we are dealt by forces beyond us, and that non-victim thinking is understanding that we are ultimately defined, not by what happens to us, but how we respond to what happens."

~ Thom Rutledge, The Secret Antidote , Life Without Ed

Thom goes on to give some examples of non-victim thinking and the fact that we are defined by how we respond to what happens to us. These were my two favorite examples. You can check out their websites by clicking on their names: Christopher Reeve , Michael J. Fox .

Great reminders, not only of how much we have to be thankful for, but that we can persevere, overcome adversity and have a happy, meaningful life. The choice is ours.

peace, hope and love


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