Wednesday, March 19, 2008

On Blogging and a Balanced Life

Sometimes I have a hard time finding what to blog about. I'll sit in front of the computer screen and....Nothing!!! Many people say: write from what you know, write from your experiences, etc., etc., etc.

I just realized something and I have to be honest. I have been walking through my days lately on automatic pilot.

Work...Home...Work...Home....Work...Home.....over and over again with not much in between other than TV and reading.

I have read and know from past experience that one of the secrets to happiness is multi-dimensional living (meaning/purpose/faith, relationships and health being three of those dimensions).

As Simon Cowell would say in his British accent "If I'm being completely honest with you..." I haven't been doing much to grow in those areas lately.

Reminds me of Jeffrey Jabick's presentation late last year on self-esteem and the parts of the self. All healthy living things grow:
  • Physically
  • Emotionally
  • Spiritually
  • Cognitively
  • Socially
If you are in the beginning stages of recovery, you might not be at a point where you even have the energy to work on some of these areas yet. The thing is, if we stop growing in any of all of these areas, we leave a void in our lives that we might be tempted to fill in with the wrong things...

As far as the hard time I have blogging sometimes, I think in part it is because I have not been living a very balanced life lately. I need to be growing physically, emotionally, spiritually, cognitively, socially so I can draw from those experiences...but most importantly so I can be happy, blanced and enjoy life to the fullest.

So I am going to be "completely honest" and say that I know I can name things I should be doing in each of these areas. How about you?

peace, hope and love,



Jaime said...

Hey Lily!
I am actually reading a book by Jon Kabat-Zinn called "Full Catastrophe Living" that talks about being mindful in life, and not going on auto-pilot, as so many of us do. I just finished a book by him called "Wherever You Go, there You Are", which dealt more with mindfulness......b/c I, too, am never in the moment, or seem to let the outside pass me by while I DO, instead of BE......
hope all is well,

Counseling, Consulting, and Coaching said...

I am happy that my talk from several months ago has been helpful in your growth process...I hope it helps others as well.
Best wishes to you and all of the members of Broward ANAD. Sincerely, Jeff

Lily said...

Hi Jaime,
Thanks for the book recommendations! I will check them out.

Lily :-)

Lily said...

Hi Jeff,
Both of your presentations at Broward ANAD were extremely helpful and insightful! The group members really benefited from them and I learned a lot from your presentations too.

Thanks for all you do.

Lily :-)