Thursday, September 11, 2008

It's Not Just White Girls

I was just reading about a new book that came out on September 9th. It is called Going Hungry: Writers on Desire, Self-Denial and Overcoming Anorexia . The essays in this book are written, by both men and women, young and old of various races.

You can check out the article that appeared in Newsweek regarding this hew book by clicking HERE. It's called: It's Not Just White Girls.

peace, hope and love,



jaime said...

I LOVED this book - especially Francesca Lia Block's story - I loved her fiction, and she just came out with a book of poems.....

Lily said...

Cool! Thanks Jaime. I have it in my TO READ list and will get to it soon!

Thanks for the recommendation and for stopping by :-)
