Thursday, November 20, 2008

This Weekend

Don't miss this Weekend! from Flamingo Road Church on Vimeo.

Hi all,
Those of you that are local readers and have been to our support group meetings know that we meet at Flamingo Road Church. It was a teaching from Pastor Troy Gramling (seen in video above) back in 2006, that inspired me to start what today is the ANAD Broward County Chapter. (Thanks Flamingo Road! Thanks Pastor Troy!)

From time to time I will post a promo video of an upcoming series here on the blog. Here is the promo video for the new series that is starting this weekend. I can't say much about it (cause it's a secret) but it is going to be an AMAZING holiday series.

You can click HERE for this weekend's service times, directions to local campuses or to view live at any of the scheduled service times by clicking on the internet campus link on that same page.

If you are in the area, check it out, it is going to be BIG, HUGE, AMAZING and you will want to say you were there to see it live.

Well, off to bed now. Gotta catch a plane early tomorrow morning but I will definitely be checking out one of the services this weekend.

peace, hope and love,



Heather Palacios said...

Hey Lily, Thanks for this post! I hope your friends and fam will give it a shot this weekend. Its just one of those things you ain't embarassed to ask peeps to and you KNOW they won't regret being there.
-Pastor Heather

Lily said...

Hi Heather,

Thanks for stopping by! You are so very welcome. I will be posting more secret series stuff when it is no longer a secret!!

I can't wait for tomorrow! I will definitely be a weekend and a holiday season to remember!

Lily :-)