Sunday, November 18, 2007

Sample Affirmations and the Science Behind Positive Thinking

Affirmations are a great way to practice positive thinking. According to research, positive emotions/thoughts improve mental function, which enhances brain biochemistry. Enhanced brain biochemistry in turn inspires more positive thoughts, and the whole process begins again. This upward spiral is as powerful as the downward spiral of negative thoughts.

Here are some sample affirmations for those of you that asked tonight at the meeting:

I am free.

My mind is clear.

I am safe.

I accept myself just as I am.

I respect, love and care for my body.

My life is a life of choice.

I live for today.

I stay in the moment.

I am ok just the way I am.

Today I am content with my life.

Today I keep it simple.

I am willing.

I live one day at a time.

I am not alone.

I am ok.

I embrace the journey.


so affirmations are not busy work, fluff, or some cool fad. They are a way to practice, learn and internalize positive, healthy ways of thinking and being.

peace, hope and love,



Anonymous said...

Dear Lily -- Thanks for posting the affirmations. It was good to see everyone at the meeting last night and I appreciate the support. Love, Cyndy

Lily said...

you are very welcome Cyndy.

ANAD Broward County Chapter