I subscribe to "Today's Gift" from Hazelden.org. Here is one of the emails I received this week. I was actually in a bad mood (kinda sad/annoyed/tired) when I received the email. The quote and the concept really came at a perfect time. What a great reminder! I wanted to share it with you.....
You feel the way you do right now because of the thoughts you are thinking at this moment.
--David D. Burns
"Good thoughts are like bright colors in a painting. Negative thoughts are dark and dreary and drab. Each day we paint pictures of our own lives with our thoughts. If we step back and look at the canvas, we will see whether the picture is alive with bright colors or dreary and lifeless like a dark cloud. Our thoughts have the power to bring joy or sadness our way, depending on what we expect or look for in our surroundings. The choice of how we want our lives to be is ours. Since we paint a new picture each day, we are always free to change things when they don't please us. What better time than the present?"
Question for today: Is there something in my life I'd like to change today?
source: Today's Gift by Anonymous
We can't worry or pout our problems into submission. We have to do something different, think something different, take action. Pray, ask for help, reach out, learn a new coping tool, go back to the ABCs of recovery (whatever they are for you). Take even a small step in the right direction. It works.
peace, hope and love,
***note: you can find more funny cat pictures (with captions) on this site. It is a very funny site http://icanhascheezburger.com/
What an absolutely beautiful post, Lily! Excellent reminder... Thanks!
Hey Barby,
Thanks so much for stopping by. Glad you liked the post. Great reminder indeed!!!
It made me stop and think/take inventory of what I was thinking that was making me feel down. Such a simple yet powerful thing to do.
Hope you had a great week. See you this afternoon :^).
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