Hi all !!!
The topic of willingness was awesome this Sunday! It brought out some great conversations of courage, hope and resolve. It made me remember how important it is to take an active role in our recovery!!!!! Great reminder question to ask ourselves often. What are we willing to do in order to stay in the path towards recovery? What are we willing to let go? What are we willing to do in order to have a life that is full, healthy, happy and with purpose?
It is definitely worth being willing, it takes some courage but it is sooooooo worth it!!!!!!! :-) I am so happy now that I am healthy and so glad I took the risk to be willing and get better. It has opened the doors to many wonderful people (smile), places, experiences and opportunities, and I have the honor now of partnering with wonderful people like all of you!!!!!
PS: Thank you so much for posting the first official blog comment Jayne!!!
Note to all: in order to see posted comments, click on the comments link at the bottom of a selected post.
Peace, Hope and Love,
Hi everyone,
i'm gonna try this again..i had a good night last night..i'm working hard to remind myslef why i am willing to work so hard. i have been working on being healthy in mind, body and spirit..it is an exercise i must do daily with all e elements..if i get stronger in spirit i think everything else will fit it perfectly..i just can't give up and always remember to reach out when i need..thanks to all of you...
lily, did i do this right again?
Yes Jayne,
Post came through ok! Thanks so much for posting!!! I am working right now so I will reply tonight.
Peace, Hope and Love,
I do think you have to work, like you say, on your mind, body and spirit...you have to work on Jayne as a whole...in order to become stronger and, like somebody told me once, so you can give food its proper place in your life...nourishment.
Hope you had a good week...stay strong...
Peace, Hope and Love,
hi lily,
work is definetly the word...i was very proud of myself yesterday..i spent alot of time nourishing my garden (and myself)..my banana tree looks beautiful!!
i had a little struggle last night when the house was quiet (i guess i think too much!) so i need to be willing to sit down and write at night..that's my next project!! hey, i think i'm getting the hang of this!
thank you everyone and have a great weekend...
yes...work is a key word...I loved your example of nourishing your garden...that is exactly what we need to do with ourselves...we deserve it!!
Hope you had a good weekend...See you next Sunday!!!
Way to go Jayne! I know that this was your goal and I think it's wonderful that you're reaching out for support and letting us know how you're doing. Lily, this blog page is great and I think it will really be a great tool for group members to use as our group grows. Look forward to seeing you both Sun night!
hi everyone..
i'm sorry i couldn't make it to tonights meeting..i was out and didn't get home in time..
i've had a pretty good week..i've been trying hard to focus on the here and now..cant really worry about what happened yesterday or what's gonna happen tomorrow..
i hope you all are well and you had a great meeting..by the way, what was the topic?
have a great week everyone and i'll see you at the next meeting (for sure!)
Hi Jayne,
We missed you on Sunday! Glad to hear you will be there next meeting. The topic for our next meeting will be Acccountability. Hope to see you then!! How have you been? It is so great that you are focusing on the here and now...That was one of the big changes that I made in my life....in the midst of my depression and my eating disorder, I looked at the past with constant regret and looked at the future with fear...now, I take one day at a time, and enjoy and do my best every day, because all I have is right now...living a good "right now" makes for good yesterdays and planning for the future and remembering to take one day at a time, makes for great tomorrows...
See you soon,
Peace, Hope and Love,
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