All of a sudden, I felt a hand pull me back. A pick-up truck had turned in front of us and drove onto the sidewalk. Its tires passed by very close to our feet. The hand was that of a stranger. Someone I did not know. The lady pulled me back along with her right before the truck got on the sidewalk.
I didn't get a chance to thank her. It was so fast. As soon as the truck passed, the whole group of us crossed the street and the stranger's hand was lost in the crowd. Like an angel.
What a God-send!
Is there someone in your life that is leading you towards safety? People like this come into our lives sometimes. Don't resist, don't ignore them, accept the help, and be thankful they came into your life at just the right time...
Thank you so much to the lady in Coral Gables today. You came into my life at just the right time.
peace, hope and love,
Dear Lily,
this is a wonderful note...I was just saying to myself that I had been missing you...could you get this printed in the Coral Gables newspaper. You write so well.
We are doing better since taking Jennie out of the treatment center. When I get the paper written about it I will send on to you.
IT seems to me that the illness is all about relationships...with others AND with food. That seems so simple to say and of course is NOT simple to untangle...in Jennie's case we pray that time and positive relationships will give her the necessary healing space.
God Bless you and your searching and thank you for helping us with ours.
Hello Julie,
It is so great to hear from you. I had been wondering lately how you and Jennie were doing on the other side of the ocean...
I am glad things are going well. Yes, in EDs there is a lot about our relationships that needs healing, and in the process we have to work on healing and nurturing our relationship with ourselves as well. I agree,m much easier said than done.
Thanks so much for stopping by the blog.
My best to you and yours.
peace, hope and love,
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