Hi All,
My sister in law Flora (Thanks Flora!!!) sent me a very interesting article on Fear today, and I wanted to share a couple of quotes from it with you:
"When we stop going for it—when we step back, play it safe, or say we can’t do something—we might avoid the experience of fear for the moment, but at the same time we are reinforcing where we’re stuck. We’re limiting our freedom, and cutting off possibility. Being alive includes risks, threats, and danger—the possibility of “bad” things happening is always there. But in planning our life to avoid those things, we’re essentially avoiding life—obviously not the wisest way to be alive.
There’s a big difference between being realistic about what happened once, and being resigned or stuck that things have to continue to be some way now or that they just are some way or they’ll be that way again. Instead of wishing we could change our past experience—a futile exercise—we have the freedom to choose our relationship to whatever it was, and that’s the beginning of building power. That’s the beginning of creating possibility."
~ Nancy Zapolski / Fear, Survival and the Courage to Be
Is fear of "what was", "what is" or "what might be" keeping you stuck and unable to move forward?
Remember, we cannot change our past, what happened to us will always be what happened to us but we have the power to change what it mean to us. Learn from your past, forgive yourself and others and move on....Your future does not have to be an extension of your past.
Today is a brand new day. The past is no more...
peace, hope and love,