I had actually been wondering lately what it is that my friends have in common (aside from the fact that they are great people of course). There was something I couldn't quite put my finger on but I felt was there...was it that they are older than me? type A personalities? very outgoing? people that I have worked for/with? that wasn't quite it!!!
Today, someone I trust helped me find the answer and the likely reason behind it.... (Thank you L and Happy Birthday again!)
One thing my friends have in common...they are all extroverts and love to talk, and I am the good listener, the shoulder, the sounding board, the quiet one, on some occasions the advice giver....
...nothing really wrong with that, I find them very entertaining and they complement my introversion....but get this (what I got this afternoon).....I also find them very SAFE, cause if they are talking about themselves, their days, their lives, what they are thinking, what they did, what they are gonna do....guess what I don't have to do? Let them into my world and talk about ME!
What would it be like for me to let people into my world? My assignment in the next several weeks is to find out. What would it be like for you to let people into your world?
peace, hope and love,
I am always impressed with your honesty. Honesty to yourself especially. I applaud you. L
Thanks so much L...for helping me see this and so many other things....and for patiently helping me find my way :-)
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