Jenni Schaefer in her book Life Without ED talks about three very important Ds that are crucial in order to progress in your recovery from ED.
Distinguish, Disagree and Disobey
- Distinguish between standards that ED holds for you and healthy goals you/your treatment team have in place for recovery
- Disagree with ED
- Disobey ED (even if you cannot disagree with ED right now, it is important that you practice disobeying ED)
Ask yourself (practice this daily, before/after every meal or as often as you need to):
- What does ED want me to do today?
- What do I need to do today to stay in recovery?
You do not have to whole-heartedly believe/feel your disagreement, but it is important you practice saying NO and countering your negative thinking.
The disobeying also does not need to start big, it can be in small steps, for example: one extra bite of your meal even if Ed is telling you to stop, doing one small thing you enjoy even if ED is telling you to stay in bed.
It is important to take small steps in disagreeing and disobeying ED, so YOU can practice, and learn to and eventually win the fight with ED.
Remember to practice these three Ds. Distinguish, Disagree and Disobey.
peace, hope and love,
1 comment:
Lily, Thanks for helping to spread the gospel of Jenni to others who are suffering with, and recovering from, that destructive relationship with "Ed." Since we are playing with "D's" here, I can offer another 3-D bit of wisdom: Decision turns Desperation into Determination. One thing that Jenni and I both teach (harp on) is that recovery ultimately comes down to our willingness to accept full responsibility for ourselves. Thanks again. Thom Ruledge / www.thomrutledge.com & www.thesecretantidote.com /thomrutledge@earthlink.net
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